Welcome to the most efficient cooking system available in SA!!

Induction cooking uses 50% less power & cooks faster than conventional cooking from only R899!!

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Advantages of Induction cooking:

FASTER - Energy is transferred directly into the pan metal, making induction cooking extremely fast - even faster than gas!

CHEAPER - Up to 90% of every rand you spend on energy goes right into the pan! Gas delivers 40% of the energy you pay for to the pan and traditional electrical about 65%. Plus, when you remove the pan from the induction surface, the unit immediately goes into standby mode, using virtually no energy whatsoever!

COOLER - Gas and electrical ranges produce unused heat that goes into your kitchen, increasing your cooling costs. With induction, almost no wasted heat is produced since all the heat is being generated within the pan itself.

CLEANER - No grates or carbon build-up to worry about, clean up is a breeze. Just use a damp cloth and wipe over the smooth, easy-to-clean ceramic glass surface.

SAFER - There is no open flame, red-hot coil or other radiant heat source to ignite fumes or flammable materials. This also helps prevent burns in the kitchen.

EVEN HEATING - The magnetic material within the cookware heats uniformly at the same level, thus there are no hot spots. The electronic pan detector feature allows maximum heating of any induction compatible pan.

PEACE OF MIND - The NCRS certified IH Induction cookers carry a full 12 month manufacturer's warranty on electronics.



  • The Induction Cooker produces the energy and the pot produces the heat, reducing the risk of fire & burns.
  • The Induction Cooker turns off once the pot is removed.
  • The Induction Cooker detects small items such as spoons or knives & switches off.
  • Should the pot boil dry the unit will automatically switch off.



In house tests show the following results using a standard 9kg LPG Gas bottle(B) @ R141 / 9kg, an IH Induction Cooker(A) and a Standard electrical element unit(C).

The electricity price of R0.94c per KW was used for this comparison.



A. INDUCTION 59 kw 80 kg 85 % R 63.22 66.5 %
B. GAS 9kg = 125 kw 80 kg 40 % R 141.00 26 %
C. ELECTRIC 177 kw 80 kg 28 % R 189.67 0 % n/a


Efficiency is the relation between the actual electricity or gas you have paid for, which is effectively being used in the cooking process.

(in other words what percentage of your money spent on electricity or gas is actually being utilised in the cooking process)

Savings of up to 66.5% can be achieved when compared to option C (standard household electrical element unit)

From above ACTUAL TEST RESULTS an Efficiency of 85% and Savings of up to 66.5% can be achieved via Induction cooking.

All the models in the IH Induction cooker range display the ACTUAL ELECTRICITY USED in KWH via the 4 digit LCD display after each use, so that you can ACTUALLY SEE YOUR SAVINGS!!


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